SAMANTHA project gets to the heart of matter

The third Transnational Meeting of the project SAMANTHA, held last September and hosted virtually by Centrocot, was focused on the development of training materials for e-learning courses on 3D printing.

On 25th September and on 9th October the third Transnational Meeting of SAMANTHA project was held. Due to the COVID-19 emergency, the partners met virtually to discuss and define the next operational steps. In particular, the work in progress of the IO2A3 was presented: during the next months the partnership will be involved in realizing the contents for the development of the learning pathway based on technical skills regarding the 3D printing and the transversal ones. The courses will be available through the e-learning platform developed by the project (IO3). ILI, the partner responsible of this output, gave some guidelines to understand how to use the e-learning platform developed. Partners in the following months will be in charge to produce the user-friendly content to upload them in the platform.

The SAMANTHA project aims to support companies of the Habitat and Tools Making sectors to know and to deepen the potential of Additive Manufacturing and it will offer a specific training paths. In fact, the result of the project will be a “T-Shaped” course: the vertical row represents the set of technical skills related to Additive Manufacturing, while the horizontal row is related to transversal skills.

Just to give a few examples, the technical skills will be developped thanks to learning modules that will investigate what are the applications of AM, the pros and cons of this technology, but also its unusual applications. The properties and performance of the materials used will be investigated, as well as those of emerging and eco-friendly materials, and the flow of the production process will be deepened. The transversal skills will analyze subjects such as creativity and innovation, communication and project management.

The e-learning courses will be available from November 2021 and will also include mentoring and support actions by technicians who already apply this methodology in their production realities.

During the second phase partners gave time in updating some results about the PM activities and in particular to the dissemination, management and quality assurance activities.

Regarding the 4th Transnational Partners Meeting partners didn’t take any decision due to COVID, they will keep updated about the emergency status.

Joint image from the 3rd Transnational Meeting