SAMANTHA Training Course: T-shaped Skills in Additive Manufacturing

Convince through professional and personal skills!

In order to open up the highly innovative field of Additive Manufacturing for one’ s own particular field of application, the acquisition of technical knowledge and skills is of fundamental importance. But in-depths specialist knowledge alone is nowadays no longer considered sufficient to be successful in business. Rather, in addition to the general and in-depths professional “hard skills” it is the so-called “soft skills” that are of particular importance. They have become indispensable, especially for customer contacts, cooperation with colleagues, relationships with stakeholders, and, according to scientific studies, account for up to 75% of professional success!

SAMANTHA – a project with a T-Shaped-Skills approach

The SAMANTHA project addresses this fact in a special manner: In the development of a training course for people in both vocational and educational training (VET) and at the workplace, the project follows the approach of training T-shaped skills in the field of Additive Manufacturing. The vertical bar of the letter T represents the depth of skills and expertise in a single domain, while the horizontal bar represents the ability to cooperate across disciplines with experts in other domains and to apply knowledge in fields other than one’s own. Our course curriculum takes this T-form into account and offers technical training (vertical bar) such as AM Printing Technologies, Design & Modelling Software Production Processes etc. and additional skills (horizontal bar) related to business success such as Business Model Innovation, Creativity and Social Innovation, Communication & Networking.

Development of the most up-to-date learning content and implementation with innovative digital tools

After the SAMANTHA project team has already formulated a comprehensive course curriculum during the summer months, each team member is currently working on the elaboration of the respective course modules. The course will be provided on an e-learning platform and will therefore also use the possibilities of innovative digital tools to both introduce the course content in versatile way and to train and deepen it through interactive elements. This phase of creating the most up-to-date course content and its media-didactic presentation will continue over the next three to four months. It is a task which the SAMANTHA team is pursuing with great care, so that future learners may look forward to a truly ‘noble’ training course.