The activities of the SAMANTHA project have just started!

From September 2019 until April 2020 partners of SAMANTHA project: Skills in Additive MANufacturing for the Toolmaking and HAbitat Sectors will be involved in the realization of the first intellectual product of the project. Specifically, in a report on the situation and evolution of additive Manufacturing in the toolmaking and Habitat sectors and related VET training offer: high-tech T-shaped skills and competences in different occupations (mismatches).

The consortium partner is undertaking deep analysis in order to have a complete overview of the role of Additive Manufacturing (AM) both in the Toolmaking industry and Habitat sector as well as a comparative report of the related VET training offer.

The main goal of the IO1 is to find out what are the technical knowledge and transversal skills desired for the workers’ curricula and if the actual academic offer is up to date with labour market needs.

This first IO of the project is composed by different activities:

O1/A1: Analysis report for the perception of AM high-tech T-shaped skills and competences mismatches and needs in the Toolmaking industry.

O1/A2: Analysis report for the perception of AM and high-tech T-shaped skills and competences mismatches and needs in the Habitat sector.

O1/A3: Analysis report on the current VET training offer related to the Toolmaking & Habitat sectors with regards to Additive Manufacturing.

O1/A4: Standardisation of national and European qualification systems.

O1/A5: Final report delivery

The first two researches provide an analysis on the perception and application of AM in the two manufacturing sectors, which skills and competences are needed to be implemented in the average curricula, taking into consideration occupations profiles on the ESCO database.

The third research offers a comparative vision of the related VET training offer in the countries involved in order to understand if they meet with the real needs of the industry.

The fourth activity defines the general directives for the training programme that will be develop taking into consideration all requirement needed in the Qualification Frameworks of the participant countries and the ECVET and EQF recommendations.

After these studies, partners will compose a complete report with the obtained results.

The final document will include the current situation of each country participating in the project so as to a global European picture. This report will serve as the basis for the following Intellectual Outputs of SAMANTHA.

For more information stay tuned on the website of the project and follow the conversation on #SAMANTHAEU.