SAMANTHA project aims to develop a novel training program addressing the mismatched high-tech T-shaped skills for proper implementation of AM in the value chains of such sectors through high qualified workers.
In IO1 partners conducted several surveys addressing experts working wether in the Toolmaking industry and the Habitat sector in order to find out mismatches and knowledge gaps. Moreover, teachers’ and students’ feedback were also important and a comparison was done in terms of analyzing the current VET training offer related to the toolmaking and habitat sectors with regard to Additive Manufacturing. Then in the fourth part of this output, IO1.A4, requirements of the qualification framework for all partners countries were provided and it helps to develop a common curriculum in terms of the differences among them. The last activity of this output, IO1.A5 done concerning gathering all information from the previous activities resulted in obtaining a comparative vision on the level of implementation of AM technology in the value chains of the toolmaking and habitat sectors, the high-tech T-shaped skills and competences required by the workforce as well as the weaknesses and strength of the related VET offers.
The most important results from intellectual output two, IO2 were to obtain the most suitable curriculum and then, offline training content taking into account the real needs of the target groups. For providing the modules and contents, the concept of T-shaped skills was placed in the center of the partners’ vision as those needed abilities by the workforce in the toolmaking and habitat sectors. Training courses were planned in five Modules in terms of technical and competences and the learning outcomes were set up in the following these two aspects in both toolmaking and habitat sectors.
After that in the next output, IO3, the main goal of this activity resulted to have SAMANTHA e-learning platform consisting of an online collaborative platform where target users, students, teachers, staff from the toolmaking industry or habitat sectors and experts in different fields can be able to learn and share experiences. All training contents were improved within the creation of interactive learning objects through this platform and finalized for use in the next steps of IO3, the Pilot test with the students.
The intellectual output four, IO4 started with the main objective to strengthen the acquired high-tech T-shaped skills and competences with an exchange of knowledge and good practices among potential future workers (VET students) and current professionals in the toolmaking industries and habitat sector. At the first step of this activity, a guideline was provided for the mentors which drew the framework of the mentoring process and aimed to develop a support system for raising knowledge as regards the topics related to the AM in the involved sectors ( Habitat and Toolmaking)and to high-tech T-shaped skills and competemces. In the next step of this IO, the activity IO4.A2, with the aim of transfer of knowledge from seniors to juniors was planned by specifying two senior experts for each country by interviewing process resulting in defining the senior mentor in terms of the needed technical and transversal knowledge and skills. In the last step, two different webinars were planned with the aim to strengthen knowledge exchange and practice among potential future workers.
Finally, all previous information and conclusions caused to prepare a guide with priorities and an action list to VET authorities to implement and take into account the SAMANTHA training program and its results in the last output, IO5. This objective was done in three different steps, in the first, IO5.A1, the strategic roadmap definition was provided with the feedback of relevant stakeholders, representatives of the Educational community, regional/national authorities, policymakers, VET providers, industries, and experts in the field (Toolmaking and Habitat sector). Then it was developed concerned with priorities and action lists to implement the SAMANTHA high-tech T-shaped curriculum and the tools inside of an official curriculum. In the last part, IO5.A3, SAMANTHA strategic roadmap would be validated resulting in the general recommendation from VET authorities for being sustainable and applying in the long term in countries outside the partnership.