Priority actions addressed to VET authorities to adopt SAMANTHA curriculum & course

The SAMANTHA partnership is already working on the last IO of the project. This IO5 aims to present to the VET authorities the actions that the consortium considers as priorities for adopting the curriculum and the training course SAMANTHA: Additive Manufacturing for the Toolmaking and Habitat Sectors (EQF 4, 97 hours in total).

This document is structured into 4 main sections:

  • Section 2 briefly describes how the habitat and toolmaking sectors are expected to evolve in the future (scenario year 2025) in relation to digitalization. Some general recommendations are made about how it would be convenient to adapt the training system in general (initial-VET, continuous-VET and informal and non-formal learning) to these new needs of digitalization and some action lines of collaboration are suggested for the main stakeholders.
  • Section 3 provides a brief summary of the curriculum and the course developed within the framework of the SAMANTHA Erasmus+ project: Additive Manufacturing for the Toolmaking and Habitat Sectors.
  • Section 4 lists a series of possible lines of action addressed to VET authorities to implement and take into consideration the SAMANTHA training course and its main results. The actions listed have been the result of conversations and contacts maintained between the project partners and the different stakeholders throughout the development of the whole project.
  • Finally, section 5 presents and develops in detail the six priority actions addressed to VET authorities to adopt the SAMANTHA curriculum and its training course. The priorities have been selected by the votes of the partners from the full actions list of section 4.

SAMANTHA partners are committed to asking relevant stakeholders to evaluate their agreement on the actions and priorities described in the document “Strategy roadmap for the Digital Transformation and Smart Specialization of the Toolmaking and Habitat sectors through VET education”. It will be shared with VET authorities too.