SAMANTHA launch event in Germany

The launch event for the SAMANTHA pilot in Germany took place on 10 December 2021. The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the Innovation in Learning Institute of the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg had jointly invited to this introductory event.

The participating teachers and students briefly introduced themselves and their wishes and expectations. Afterwards, they received an introduction to the SAMANTHA qualification concept with its T-shaped competences regarding technical and transversal skills. Each individual learning module was presented in terms of its learning objectives and learning content. Then the participants were introduced to the SAMANTHA learning platform in its structure and operation. We wish all of our learners a lot of joy in discovering the learning contents, much success in learning and a well-deserved certificate at the end! In return, we look forward to having the learners participate in the final evaluation so that we can improve our content even more to meet the learners’ needs.